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Hillel Ontario’s Open Letter to University Leadership

Dear University Presidents,

As Jewish students prepare to return to campus this fall, they do so with a deep sense of concern, heightened by recent videos like this and the encampments that emerged on campuses over the summer. Last year, we received more than 500 reports of antisemitism across the province. In these unprecedented times, university leadership must ensure the safety and full inclusion of Jewish students, faculty, and staff.

In line with your commitment to fostering a safe and welcoming environment for Jewish students and, by extension, the entire campus community, we share our expectations and are urging you to adopt the following recommendations:

  1. Clearly Communicate and Enforce Campus Rules, Standards, and Policies: All members of the university must understand and ground their actions in what it means to be part of the campus community. We ask that you ensure all students, faculty, and staff are aware of your institution’s policies on harassment, discrimination and inclusion so that they are clear about what is expected of them. The university should consistently enforce its policies and regularly update any that may be insufficient to meet the current realities. 
  1. Support Jewish Students: It is more important than ever to unequivocally denounce antisemitism – in all of its modern manifestations – and to ensure any instances of antisemitism be swiftly and forcefully condemned. Antisemitism education should be provided for all students, faculty, and staff, with antisemitism being an important pillar and target of equity, diversity, and inclusion work. Jews are the targets of the majority of hate crimes in Toronto, and this must be reflected in the university’s approach to anti-discrimination work. 
  1. Ensure Campus Safety: The safety of Jewish students must be a top priority. Over the last month, Jewish spaces across Ontario have been repeatedly targeted with violent hate. This is untenable. To counter this, reporting incidents and filing complaints related to non-academic misconduct must be easily accessible to all, so that those who seek to cause harm to the experience of Jewish students are held to account. It is also important to reaffirm your rejection of the discriminatory Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign. There should be zero tolerance for the targeting of Jewish or Israeli students, faculty, or staff.  
  1. Reaffirm the Responsibilities of Faculty and Staff: Faculty play a crucial role in maintaining a non-discriminatory learning environment. We ask that you ensure that the classroom remains a respectful place of learning for all. It is also essential that university staff involved in shaping or enforcing policies related to human rights or codes of conduct be thoroughly educated on the nuances of antisemitism so that they can effectively address and prevent discrimination.
  1. Prepare for October 7: With the one-year mark of the Hamas attack on Israel approaching, we urge you to anticipate and mitigate any disruptions to programs, events, and gatherings. Any protest activities must not interfere with campus operations or the right of students to attend their classes and activities free from intimidation.

By taking these steps, you will be sending a clear message that your institution is committed to the safety, well-being, and full inclusion of Jewish students and the entire campus community.

We are ready to support you in these efforts and are committed to working together this coming year. 


Hillel Ontario

Sign the Letter Now to Protect Jewish Students' Safety and Inclusion on Campus!

As the largest Jewish student organization in the world, Hillel enriches the lives of Jewish students so that they may enrich the Jewish people,  and the world.
